What is Mudhut?
A short, fat, welfare collecting mexican midget. Often is the care taker of 5 illegitimate children. Seekimlings. They also enjoy killing small animals using their nasty mud infested burritos.
Dood, your dad married a mudhut...
a turd that has no consistency, it plops outta your ass and never hits the toilet water, instead, it hits the back of the bowl and mounds up there. After that, it is a never ending wipe to clean the shit from around your asshole. Usually occurs after a night of power drinking Killians Irish Red beer on draught.
I have a brutal hangover from power drinking 5 pitchers of Killians and eating nuclear hot wings, and to top it off, when I woke up to take a shit, it was nothing but a steaming mudhut.
1.Name used for religion of any sort. 2.Religious building. Plural: Mudhuters, Group of religious people.
Used to describe the denial/distrust of technology/science religion takes on.
The mudhuters keep tiring to push that "god made the world" bullshit in the schools.
A short fat woman.
Ann Widecombe, a uk M.P