
What is Mule?




1. A carrier of things for someone else; often used to refer to a carrier of illegal drugs, or a video game character who functions as a holding space for items for another character.


1. To hold or transit for someone else.

Bob is the mule for our drugs.

Mulebob is a 1st level character who's a mule for all our gear that we haven't sold yet.

We'll give that item to Mulebob to mule over to your character in that other place.


The offspring of a mare and a jackass. Useful as a plough animal, and also a fine ride in rugged terrain. These creatures are almost always sterile. They have the coat of a horse and the voice of a donkey.

I do hope that Charles and Camilla do not breed a mule.


Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game term. Used to define extra characters that are created for the soul purpose of extra item slots.

"Brb guys, getting stuff of my mule."


Another name for the male genitalia.

Josh Estrada has a very small mule..


A mule is an animal with long, funny ears; he kicks up at anything he hears. His back is brawny, but his brain is weak; he's just plain stupid, with a stubborn streak.

So if you hate to go to school, you may grow up to be a mule.


An acronym used by military officers to describe all the women around them as either: married, ugly, lesbian, or enlisted.

All the women are M.U.L.E.'s around here and it's downright suicide inducing.


The outcome of when a donkey and a horse get it on.

My horse betty got fucked by your dirty bastard donkey. Now ive got a mule on my hands.


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