
What is Muling?


A regional (Swansea) term for extremely ugly or not very pretty. Usually applies to the female of the species but can also apply to men or objects.

That bird you pulled last night was muling.

See minging, hanging


Mostly used on online games.

Muling is the process where an experienced player of an online game gives items or money to a new player (most commonly a friend) to help them get started in the virtual environment.

Thus making this new player much better than anyone else who like him has just started.

a.k.a twinking

Friend 1: I'll give you some rare items and money so you can beat other new players.

Friend 2: Isn't that muling?

Friend 1: So....?

See online, games, virtual, cheating, players


to cycle around concluding a series of small drug deals with the ultimate intention of paying josh and/or scoring some gwaan to aid the enjoyment of F-Geezy

wheres boons, i've got the new series of FG and pastas on the stove

He's muling it

I should have known

See Lorenzo


The act of having sex which makes you look like Yossemite Sam trying to ride a camel.

I called Cee last night & he didn't answer the phone...He must've been MULING again.

I hear moaning in the next room, they must be muling in there!

See mule, muling


To stop individuals from successfully making a loaner in the game of Euchre.

*In a game of Euchre*

- Person A: Ok, I'm going alone on Diamonds.

- Person B: Ok, I'll lead with an Ace of Spades.

- Person A: Damn, that was my only weakness!

- Person B: Haha, I just muling'd you.



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