
What is Multisexual?


"when you are not defined by straight, gay, or bisexual, you dont mind how or who you get it from as long as you get "it""

this is the current definition according to someone else.

i feel this is a wrong interpretation.

"Multisexual" is where you do not identify as Lesbian, Gay, Queer, Bi etc

you are attracted to a person because of who they are, their personality, not the gender they were born.

it is a matter of the heart, not social stereotypes.

no example needed. the definition has all you need to know about multisexual.

See multisexual, gender, stereotypes, identify, lesbian, gay, bi, queer


when you are not defined by straight, gay, or bisexual, you dont mind how or who you get it from as long as you get "it"

im not a slut, a playa or a whore....i'm multisexual

See straight, gay, bisexual, sexuality, sex


A human being attracted to more than two out of the following: Men, Women, Hermaphradite, Chuck Norris, Little boys, or Richard Simmons. (also known as Glay)

Rick next door is a multisexual. He had an orgie with Norris, Simmons and a Hermaphradite. He's got the glay gene.

See multisexual, homosexual, hermaphrodite, richard, simmons, chuck, norris, glay, man, woman, men, women, orgie, little, boy


Someone who is attracted to men, women and transvestites of any sexual orientation. Unlike trisexual multisexuals will not have sex with animals or objects.

I'm multisexual ;)

See multisexual, orientation, trisexual, omnisexual, sex


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