
What is Mulva?


Used in a Sienfeld Episode, because Jerry didn't know the name of his date, but he knew it rhymed with a part of the female anatomy.

"Hon, do you love me?"

"MM-hmm... mulva?"




The name that Jerry Seinfeld was guessing his girlfriend's name was, since he had forgotten except for remembering that it rhymed with a female body part.

Dolores: "You have no idea what my name is, do you?"

Jerry: "...Mulva?"

See Katopolis


Man vulva.

She rubbed my mulva for 12 minutes but complained the whole time.

See vulva, mulva, genitals


see gipple


What one might offer as an answer to a personal question he or she doesn't know the answer to or feels uncomfortable answering. Used in a Seinfeld episode.

"Hon, do you love me?"

"Umm... mulva?"


an evil cat with no soul.

Mulva, please stop eating the garland.


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