
What is Mumbleweed?


n. a quotation posted onto a blog when things are a bit slow, readers are few and far between and comments are a thing of the past; a pseudo-profound seeming non sequitur designed to fill a painful silence.

'Damn it, no traffic again today. I'm gonna post a mumbleweed. That'll show 'em.'

See blogging, quotation, tumbleweed, grumbleweed, words


n. a quotation posted onto a blog when things are a bit slow, readers are few and far between and comments are a thing of the past; a pseudo-profound seeming non sequitur designed to fill a painful silence.

'Damn it, no traffic again today. I'm gonna post a mumbleweed. That'll show 'em.'

See blogging, tumbleweed, grumbleweed, stumbleweed


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