
What is Mumf?



to mumf

the activity of sniffing ladies bicycle saddles

Royal Navy slang.

Q. "What's your hobby?"

A. "Mumfing"

See royal navy, slang, snif, smell


Function: Adj.

Inflected forms: mumfed,mumfing


a. To screw something up beyond all hope of recovery or repair

b. An attempt to undo a clumsy action or poor decision that actually results in a more catastrophic result than if the original action or decision had been allowed to proceed.


Bob: "Did you see me spin out on turn 3"

Dave: "Yeah, you totally mumfed it"


As the coffee cup fell towards the ground he lunged forward to catch it and accidently kicked it through the glass window.

See clumsy, clumsyfuck, goof, blundering, clusterfuck


(n.) abbreviation

Messed Up Mother Fucker

You did what?! You're such a mumf .

See mother fucker, messed up, jerk, bitch, ass


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