
What is Mumtaz?


In Arabic Culture it means to be #1, or the best

this race was mumtaz, one of the best I've seen

See mumtaz, best, greatest, #1, superb


a moron or otherwise silly person. One who spends their time pissing about and not actually doing any work. Affectionate. can also be called, mumzy, mumpy or mumzybob

"Holy Crap, your such a mumtaz today!"


"what you feel like doing today?"

"just lying about like a mumtaz"

See moron, silly, lazy, arse, bloody


A rare species usually found to be residing in the Ghetto Areas of Birmingham. A strange concept is the fact that he belongs to the male gender however the connation’s revolving around the name are female making him all the more exciting.

Can be found in dark corners cutting himself and telling the rest of us mere mortals about the illumaniti take-over when we shall all becomes slaves being done up the arse.

A tad emo.

Comes up with the coolest acronyms like SMD Pl0X

Weird. But cool.

Person 1: Noooo one understand me only i know the truth.

Person 2: Mumtaz is that you?


A mumtaz like phrase.

See mumtaz, birmingham, emo, chav


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