
What is Munta?


a person who is hideously grotesque.

Chris Evans is a true definition!!


Ugly fat female

Muntas shouldn't wear red is an excellent novel by a guy called Eaglesfield


A very fat woman that eats all the time!

look at that munta over there, eating all the pies


The perminant state of minga.

Your a munta for life not just a hang over.


When one gathers a dead body and sews up all the holes (eyes, mouth etc.) leaving the butt open. then placeing one's mouthe around the bum hole wilst some one applys a large amout of pressure quicly to the bodys stomac and all contence of the body squeased out the bum is eaten by the guy with the mouth round it.

man 1: gather your sewing kit and spade.

man 2: what ever for.

man 1: i am hungry and we are off to

munta someone in the graveyard.

See dead, sick, munta, yummy, food


Stimulation of a male's anus by a female.

I heard he got some munta!

See Rosh


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