
What is Murat?


A crazy ass Turkish guy that was born with a unibrow and a moustache also referred to as Turkish guy. Is believed to be a terrorist (no evidence proven yet) thou is quite shady. Also may be subjected to be blamed for everything that goes wrong including scaring little children. Reports from inside sources claim that they can smell him a mile away possibly more. Takes showers occasionally (when were lucky). When bored reverts to stalking women and memorizing phone numbers. If spotted in a bad mood run for your life!

What’s that smell? sniff sniff o that’s just Murat

Bang! Hit the ground Murat’s thrown another bomb! Never mind false alarm.

Teacher: Class we are going to learn about verbs... who threw that.

Class: It was Murat

Teacher: He isn't even in this class

whats that smell? sniff sniff o thats just murat

Bang! Hit the ground Murats thrown another bomb! Nevermind false alarm.

Teacher: Class we are going to learn about verbs... who threw that.

Class: It was murat

Teacher: He isn't even in this class


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