
What is Murder-death-kill?


From the movie Demolition Man, starring Sylvester Stallone and Wesley Snipes. It was repeated, along with a police code (1-8-7) over police scanners when Wesley Snipes' character had escaped from cryogenic prison into a crime free society, where he perpetrated many murders.

Police Scanner: Code 1-8-7. Murder-Death-Kill.

See mdk, murder, death, kill, 187, stallone, snipes, bullock, police, stalone, snipe, Hexadecimal


Murder-Death-Kill is the name of a rap song by 7L and Esoteric, featuring Demigodzassociate Celph Titled. Available on the album DC2: Bars of Death. Eso and Celph rip this track up, some of the dopest gangster shit you'll hear. Or at least Celph's verse.

Eso: It's murder-death-kill

Celph: Or it's kill death murder

Eso: Celph push they wig back

Celph: ES push it back further

Eso: You comin out your face?

Celph: We handle beef to the bone marrow

Eso: No matter if it's Demigodz

Celph: Or Army of the Pharaohs

See 7l, esoteric, demigodz, dc2


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