
What is Murder/suicide?


Murder and/or suicide. The answer to all life's problems.

Originated on the totse forums, coined by a guy calling himself "DA_Infamous_Mobb" and later changing his name to "The_Infamous_Mobb."

It has lots of variations like "Murder/Regicide" and crap...

Totse poster 1: OMG MY GF BROKE UP WITH ME!!!11

Totse poster 2: Murder/Suicide.

See rifter


a common answer on totse

"Oh noes what should i do"



the answer to all of lifes problems.

wheres my car keys? *grabs knife*


The act of killing a person (or people) and then killing yourself. A common variant of it is "Condom/Spermicide". Although it is commonly used on totse, murder/suicide didn't originate there.

"It's the last day of school today, what should I do?"



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