
What is Murphanity?



Pronunication: m'rf-an-&t-E


Actual state of mind or being. No longer in clinical use.

Law of nature.

Condition of mind with the tendency to press and display member to a fully populated double-decker bus from a second story window when 'given the opportunity', to frat, to punish tanqueray ten straight out the bottle, to __ l.babes, to suck at fifa06, to wear polos and pocket ts, to say boom, boom, boom, shevchenko, and to be constantly fabulous. In most judicial jurisdictions, a degree of consciousness sufficient to warrant commitment to a frat or kibbutz.




1. Of or relating to an action committed in the state of murphanity.

2. Consumed with seizing the tiggles

3. Of or consistent with the acquisition of a befittingly located prison wound during drunken tomfollery.

It's murphanity--half man, half amazing, half fabulous.

See larry, murph


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