What is Muskegon?
A small city on the West coast of Michigan. A.K.A "Skee town". Claimed to be the beer tent capital of the world.
I'll be drinking tonight, in Muskegon, the beer tent captital of the world!
The shithole on the west coast of Michigan that thinks it has everything when in actuality its about as alive as a morgue, however that doesn't stop Muskegon or "Skee-town"'s residents from walking around as if they had they had sticks up their asses because that's cool there.
Bob 1: Hey man do you want to go to Muskegon.
Bob 2: Nah, Satan's asshole doesn't sound that good right now; I was actually going to get AIDS
Bob 1: Ah Ok, that does sound alot better. Can I come too?
Bob 2: As long as we don't go to Muskegon, sure.