
What is Muslims?


Half of the population of Michigan state!

Dearborn = 100% Muslim city!

See Dan


Muslims are crazy haters, of Jews, of Christians and of Hindus and of everyone who is not a Muslim. Of course they deny that on TV but what when they march in the streets they show their true colors and hatred. And they get violent and destructive whenever they get a chance which is whenever they are in large groups.

Muslims say they stand for peace but their mostly invest their energies intimidating and killing people who do not agree with them and they are consistently seen marching in the street railing against freedom of speech, democracy and human rights of women.

Muslims like to make all sorts of false claims about scientific discoveries but what they don't tell you is that they stole the discoveries from Hindus, Christians, Jews or Persians . If they were so clever then why is the Middle East so backwards and poor and why have Muslims not invented anything in the past thousand years? And why do Muslims kill anyone who thinks for themselves? The reason is because Islam is anti science, they only want you to believe what the Koran says and if you say its not true then they go into a rage and try to kill you.

Muslim are not happy people. Muslims are extremely annoying cause they do nothing but lie and twist facts around to try to make Islam appear good and everything thing else seem bad, so its nearly impossible to have a decent conversation with a Muslim without getting exasperated by the insanity of what they are saying.

See muslim, crazy, nuts, fanatic, islam


An extremely misunderstood religious group of people. Most people only think of them as bad people. Many assume if you are this you are automatically a terrorist which is only ignorance. In reality most Muslims are not violent. The women are beautiful & they have a rich culture. Most people cannot see the true beauty of muslim people because the truth is clouded by bad attention from the media.

Guy: "Oh he looks like a Muslim, we better get out of here!"

Freind: "Relax, I know that guy from back in the day, he's really cool. Just because some people are Muslims doesn't mean they are bad people!"

See muslim, islamic, middle east, peace, ignorance


A lot of people think Muslims are terriost. Not all Muslim hate Americans and want to blow up buildings and people. Most Americans don't understand that Muslim religion is well known in Africa , Asia and the Middle East. There is over 1 billion people that worship Allah known as God in the Muslim religion. The Majority of Muslims come from Africa, Middle East and India. There are two groups of Muslims, one being the Sunni and the other being Shia Sunni is the largeest denomination followed by the Shia. The majority of Sunni Muslims come from Indonesia, Lower Egypt, Somalia, Jordan, Lebannon, Syria, Sri Lanka and Palestine. The Shia believed that the Prohet Muhammad relatives should have ruled Islam. through the blood line. After the death of Muhammad the country of Islam was torn in two.

The Shia wanted Ali Muhammad (cousin and son in law of the Prophet Muhammand) to take over Isam.

The Sunni Mulism wasn't going to be governed by Ali Mu hammad. They wanted a differnt ruler. They decided to have Abu Bakr to lead the Sunni Muslims. Both groups are fighting over who's beliefs are similar to the Prophet Muhammad.

In the Muslim culture the Prophet Muhammad is the annoited one just like Jesus Christ is to Christian and the Jews. This is why you see alot of Muslim men are named Ali or Muhammad. It is a honor to name you son after the Prophet Muhammad or Ali Muhammad. This is similar to the Christian standard of naming your son Daivd,Phillip, Peter, Paul etc. The Sunni believed in a theology system of schools of the Muslim religion. EX: Similar to Greek scholars or diciples of books of Jesus Christ. Each school's has their own opinion of the Prohet Mahammad and Alla. Shia are angry at the Sunni for not continuning the belief of passing the royal blood line of the Prophet Mahammed. Both have a different religious opinion of the Prohet Muhammad. The Shia believe that Muslims were not suppose to mingle with the Christians and the Jews. They believe if you run across a Christian or a Jew you executed them.

The Shia constantly trying to come up with excuese not to follow the Quran. The Quran is similar to the bible. Most Muslims coed of ethics are similar to the Christians and Jewsish faith.

They don't believe in stealing,murder,adultry etc. The Shia don't believe that murder or stealing is a sin.

The Shia do not like Americans, they are the ones that created the Tailban. The Shia Muslims are the ones that are doing most of the terroist work not the Sunni Muslims. The Shia believes that their belief system is more right over the Sunni Muslims. All the Sunni Muslims want to do is create love and peace.

They are the true believers of the Prohet Muhammed.

Ex: The Muslims believe in the same ethic codes as Christians bible codes.

See islam, shia, sunni, allah, god, bible, quran, itis


What you see on the news. its all lies. how about you go yourself and go see what its like in the middle east.. we dont wear TOWELS on our heads. its called a hijab. and that thing in the egypt that they wear.. thats to keep the head cool cuz it gets extreemly hot out there. U all are ignorant for not thinking about this. Stop blaming us for doing stupid ass shit we didnt start it. Also, u no that "country" called israel, the jews took our land. that country is called "Palestine" and it will remain that name forever. CNN and all those media shit are controled by jews. Jews hate us. why else would they start killing us? also that war in 2006, CNN didnt tell what happened before, they just started by telling ppl that Lebanon started the war.. uhmmm REWIND those jews started bombing our bridges... wat r we supposed to do? watch them kill us? or fight back?!

Seriously people, open your eyes. the media hides soo much information! you can think what you want, but dont start dissing my religion. every single person on the earth has a stupid brain, thats why the media fills up your brain with junk. and that junk is saying that we are terrorists. 911.. PEOPLE! WE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! and also it was all planned. Listen, muslims are nice. the ones you see on tv.. thats all bullshit. How about you do ACTUAL research before saying things about us.

"911 was bad" - lois griffin

muslims are nice, stop fingering us!

See islam, muslim, terrorism, palestine, israel, lebanon


The predominant group of people in the Middle East. Half or more are peaceful and civilized, but a very large number of them are militant extremists a.k.a terrorists, Islamic radical supporters, and insurgents.

Muslims go by the Koranthe Islamic equivalent to the Christian Bible. Within the pages of the Holy Koran, it teaches peace, while it actually says to destroy those people and other things that go against the Muslim faith. The contradictory words of the Koran, as well as there being non-Muslims in the Middle East, is what has led to this radical Islamic terrorism. Another major cause is the militant extremist leaders, such as Ayatolla or Abu Musab al-Zarkawi, of whom brainwash and convince the Arabic, Palistinean, Persian (Irani), and Iraqi people through their manipulation and charisma. They are made to believe that Christiansand Jews are The Great Satan and the infidel.

Many, but not all of the muslims, are brainwashed and hate-filled terrorists and insurgents whose ultimate goal is the destruction of western and non-islamic civilization.


The scum of the earth.

Muslims think it's okay to beat, rape and kill women. They also believe that if a woman in their family is raped, she should be murdered by stoning, stabbing, raging inferno or being buried alive, in order to preserve the "honor" of the family. Being raped is the woman's fault, because she sinned by not covering up her entire body and thus tempting men who have no self-control or just feel like getting his rocks off and using their stone age religion as an excuse to rape helpless women.

Muslims also believe that homosexuals should be mutilated, raped repeatedly and killed.

If you are not a Muslim and you are caught, you are either to convert to Islam or be beheaded.

One of the goals of Islam is world domination. Muslims are spreading like locusts to civilized countries and trying to enforce their religion's laws. Think I'm kidding? There is a growing village in Bradford, England that is controlled completely by muslims. Women who don't want to be in an arranged marriage with a man with several other wives are killed everyday. Since there are no guns in England, they usually execute them with machetes. Those are gigantic, heavy swords, for those of you who don't know.

All of this is in the Koran.

The threat of Islam is very real and unless we as Americans do something about this problem, they CAN and WILL take over this disgusting liberal America.

Muslims women in the middle east are raped on a daily basis and usually have to have abortions without anaesthesia. They die afterwards, but not until they deal with excruciating pain for several days. But it's what she deserves right? How dare she tempt muslim men by keeping her face uncovered in 110+ degree heat?

See muslim, islam, rape, murder, stone age, religion


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