
What is Mutt?


1) A person of mixed racial descent.

2) A dog of many mixed breeds.

Thomas is white, Hispanic, and Italian, therefore he is a mutt.

I have a dog who is of so many different breeds that he is considered a mutt.

See Anonymous


term used to identify someone as multiracial; pretty derogatory word for a multiracial person, at least in the eyes of someone who is multiracial him/herself (because of the word's use in labeling a dog as inferior as a result of impure breeding)

i think it is obnoxious of you to call me a mutt; i'm not inferior to you because my parents are two different races.


1. n. A dog of undetermined breeding.

2. n. A drug of an undetermined blend.

1. Suzie's dog looks a little like a border collie, but the colouring is off. I wonder if it's a mutt.

2. I can't believe Eric took that mutt he found.

See mutt, drug, drugs, dog, dogs, breed, blend, blending, mix, breeding, unknown, Kristin.


A male slut.

That guy is such a mutt.

See man-whore, man-slut, man-bitch, slut


A person that is extremely ugly or low on the social ladder

Auston Scutt is a Mutt

See ugly, low, scutt, gross, nasty


a person who is mixed of 3 different races or more.

"I'm white, spanish, black and italian."

"so're a mutt right?"

"lol. yea basically."

See mixed, race, ethnic, black, white


Slang for vagina. Suggests dirtyness and/or germanness of the vagina.

She had a dirty, big mütt.

See vagina, slang, muff, cunt, twat


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