
What is Muttnificent?


mutt nif i cent

mutt-nif-uh-suh nt

adjective: most often used by a communicator (speaker or writer) who is multiracial, or a mutt. Non-mutts (if any even exist) may find the term effective as they adapt to the socio-cultural-political multiracial landscape.

1. making a splendid appearance or show; of exceptional beauty

2. superb; marvelous

3. dazzling

4. extravagant

5. grand or noble in thought or deed; exalted.

6. (usually initial capital letter, used as a title of a leader or ruler) great; grand; noble: Deborah the Muttnificent


ME: My English

from muttnificence, splendor, from MLatin muttnificentia

a muttnificent opportunity

a muttnificent novel

a muttnificent view of the city

See majestic, opulent, exquisite, splendid, superb


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