
What is Muzzy?


Noun: A term for marijuana; popularized by jazz musicians in the 20's and 30's.

Bob: Would you like to smoke some muzzy with me?

Bill: No, I am getting drug tested by my employer tomorrow.

See pot, marijuana, ganja, weed, buddha, 420, jazz, trees, bud, grass


A Green Fuzzy Animal that looks sorta like a monster that teaches you other languages.

Brought to you by the BBC.

Muzzy taught me how to speak German.

I bought a bunch of Muzzy videos so I could learn French.


A new age hippy person who accepts all things and, likewise, is accepted by all things. This applies to all kinds of situations, but in particular, social situations.

That muzzy from Chardon named Ben has many friends of many different backgrounds.

See muzzie, dude, hippy, hippie, man


a person of muslim origin or appearence

what's up muzzy


The mental state of being half asleep, accompanied by confused, fuzzy thinking and frequently bizarre waking-dreams

With the drone of the radio and the warmth of the car I went all muzzy and thought I was back on the roof-garden....

See drowsy, stupefied, zonked


short for a person of the muslim belief.


Person 2: "I know, he's such a muzzy."

See terrorist, muslim, mussy, curry


Muzzy is a derogative term for people who look like or are of the muslim faith. Origins in New England and also the really weird bear that teaches you other languages.

"You stupid Muzzy give me back my change"

See muslim


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