
What is Mw?


Abbreviation for Man Whore; derives from men who are complete whores (especially freaky rapist-looking men).

Meg: Yo, Travis is such a MW

Karen: Foreal, dannnng.


A beautiful, sunny, warm (maybe even tropical) day, as in "Margarita Weather". Perfect for sitting on a shady porch with a view and sipping one's favorite icy beverage listening to some refreshing tunes.

Jack: sup at your place?

Jimmy: man, total MW here today, gonna hit the beach and then drinks at Fuzzy's.

See margarita, sunny, hot, humid, cocktail


a sign someone uses to represent the Midwest

Twista is one of the fastest rappers straight out of the MW.


morning wood

when a man wakes up from a good nite sleep wit a mad erection and prrly ebarrassed

dude charlies got a mw wood he must of had a good nite

See morning wood


abbreviation for moon well - building that produces food for night elves in Warcraft III

hey, build some MWs.


short for the Elder Scrolls 3 : Morrowind.

An rpg made by bethesda softworks in 2002.

shipped with the game is a in game editor.

has anybody got any mw mods?

See mw, morrowind, 3


superiority in authority; legend; the greatest ever

Someday, people will know my name - I'll be truly MW-like.


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