
What is Mwf?


Married White Female

(Often used in personal ads onlne and in print, or in internet chat rooms)

MFW seeks open-minded companion.


As in every other day of the week, excluding weekends. (Monday Wednesday Friday)

Dude, I've had so much homework to do this week. I swear, I've been at the library MWF!


Morning Wood Fantasy.

You know, when you wake up and you're horny and you jack off. The MWF is the thing you think about whilst you do it.

1: "Dude, I had the weirdest MWF this morning. In it, I was like--"

2: "Please, no. Shut up. Now."

1: "--and then she was rubbing whipped cream on my nipples.... dude, what are you doing?"

2 yanks a sign post out of the concrete and breaks in the front of 1's skull.

2: "SHUT UP!!!"

See bunnynap, morning wood, boner, woodie, morning head


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