
What is Mws?


Morning Wood Syndrome - Waking with an erect penis. Occurs every morning of the world to every male, often at inopportune times, making for awkward situations.

1. "Man, I had to give my oral presentation in class this morning in class, and I was scared to death I was going to have MWS!"

2. "I was being given a tour of the plant, and I'll be damned if MWS didn't hit."

3. "I'm sorry, I can't slow dance with you right now. Why not is something wrong? No, it's just that I have a terrible case of MWS."

4. "Easter Sunday morning at church when the pastor says, 'please stand and sing hymn 416' I have MWS. It never fails."

5. "Every morning I try to go pee, but I can't because of MWS. I have to pull a superman."

6. "MWS wakes me up every morning, and the only medicine is to squeeze one out."

See erect, wood, morning, syndrome, awkward


masterbation withdraw sendrome wut happens after extended time of not masterbating. tiplecly starts to really effect u after at least a week

i havent jacked off in a week and now im seeing things and my dick is about to expload


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