What is My Chemical Romance Fan?


A person who likes the music My Chemical Romance make.

Not a person who likes MCR because LyK G3R4Ld wAy iz 5o ttly HaWt!!!1oneoneshift1one!1

"Yeah MCR rock!" - My chemical romance fan


"OMGZ Gerard and Frank are so totally hot OMGZ!!111oneone - some teenie poser

See mcr, my chemical romance, gerard way, bob bryar, music


I have many friends who love MCR and who hate MCR, but we don't judge each other. We are just a bunch of kids who love to laugh and have a good time. Before you judge a kid who likes MCR you should try to talk to those kids first they may be the best friend you ever had.

This happened to me at school one day.

opposer: **points at shirt** "MCR sucks."

My Chemical Romance fan: "and?"

opposer: "just wanted you to know."

**carries on with the conversation and never give it a second thought**

See my chemical romance, my chemical romance fan, music, my chem, mcr


A person who loves the band for the music. It is someone who lives for the lyrics and the amazing instrumentals of My Chem. They are usually labeled 'emo kid' or 'poser' right off the bat because of their liking of the band. Although there are MCR posers, true fans are in it for the music and the feeling that My Chemical Romance gives them.

My Chemical Romance fan 1: I can't wait for the My Chem concert on Friday!

MCR poser 1: I know! God Gerard got ugly though. He's blond and he isn't even emo anymore.

MCR fan 2: Seriously?!

See mcr, gerard way, poser, fan


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