My Dad

What is My Dad?


Some broke ass nigga I never even knew.

This "Dad" character sent my mom 15 bucks for my bithday last week.

See Rick


A guy I really dont know. I Know i havnt seen him in 9 years. He hasnt called either. Left the country because of his drug dealing. A guy i used to dream of meeting evry day, but now just wish he would rot.

a retarded good for nothing junkie

See LL


Something that is really cool.

This chocolate cake is "My Dad".

See Vegas


Anyone you look up to or want to be like.

Mel Gibson is "my dad".

See Vegas


Homosexual monkey fucker.

My dad is a homo that fucks WAY too many monkeys

See Vladimir Lenin


Noun. kind of like george w. bush but gay.

dude, dud you hear kope is having a coming out party for his dad, gwb?


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