My Girlfriend Sally

What is My Girlfriend Sally?


something you would reject when editing urban dictionary posts.

Publish Jennifer Lopezbecause she's famous, but reject my girlfriend Sally


1) In the Urban Dictionary editorial guidelines, the very embodiment of the nonentity: "Publish definitions of Jennifer Lopez because she's famous, but reject my girlfriend Sally".

2) Fictitious girlfriend, invented in order to convince your friends that you are not gay or that a woman has found you attractive enough to want to be your girlfriend. See Canadian girlfriend.

My girlfriend Sally says she loves it when I do sex with her up the anal root canal.

See rpg, dungeons and dragons, courtship, sex, canada


1) In the Urban Dictionary editorial guidelines, the very embodiment of the nonentity: "Publish definitions of Jennifer Lopez because she's famous, but reject my girlfriend Sally".

2) Fictitious girlfriend, invented in order to convince your friends that you are not gay or that a woman has found you attractive enough to want to be your girlfriend. See Canadian girlfriend.

editor: "I had to reject My girlfriend Sally due to the editorial guidline of no violent sex acts."

submittor: "argh! rejection!"

See girlfriend, urban dictionary, rejection


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