My Love

What is My Love?


Someone whom you love and loves you back.

This is the best preson in the world to you, and vise versa to them.

You'd do anything for each other.

Love is not enough to explain it.

Dolyna: Ilya is my love. Dolyna loves her Chu

Ilya: Yay!!! Dolyna is my love!!!

See my love, ilya, chu, hearts


This is a girl who is sexy, funny, has beautiful eyes, and a gorgeous smile. She is exactly who i have been searching for all of these years. She causes heavenly dreams of passion and love. She is the one I desire and she is the one I love!

She is so beautiful

she is so perfect

She is the one i dream of

she is MY LOVE


Someone who you deep feelings for and openly express them. Commonly used as "my only love" as well.

Also expresses your love for something.

Sam is my only love in this world.

My love for Sam is unrelinquishable.

See love, my, lo, ve


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