My Sanity

What is My Sanity?



it's not there it never was there it never will be there

when I talk about the sanity of a moose I realy mean my sanity because in some respects I am a moose without it's sanity but once I take my pILLLLLLLLLS....BIC-BIC-BIC-BIC-BIC-BAAAAAAAAAA...GNAAAAAAAAAAA..O-COO-COOCH-huuuc hmmmm sorry about that anyway once I take my PILLLLS! I atleast have an inch of sanity in my body for around two hours which is just as long as it takes me to write down the definition for "my sanity"


exuse me I'm just going to drool down a car window and pretend that the person in it is my best friend


put up with I'M INSANEYOU B*ST*RD

do you wish to by a vowl


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