
What is Naacp?


The biggest racist hypocrites around!

To the NAACP, it is ok if there is a black history month as well as "african american clubs" in school, but watch what happens when someone tries to set up a "European-American Club" in a school.......the NAACP will say "No, you can't have that!" actually happened in Northern California a few years ago.

To the liberals who I know will recommend this for deletion, hey it's the truth!!!


Niggers Always Agitating Caucasian People

Jesse Jackson is the leader of the NAACP.


An blackmail some (but not all) minorities like to use when they don't get their way.

POLICE OFFICER: "Sir, excuse me but you cannot panhandle in the park per city ordinance"

PANHANDLER: "Yes, I can, that's my god given first amendment freedom of speech"

POLICE OFFICER: "You need to move on now sir or receive a citation"

PANHANDLER: "I'm gonna NAACP you, the police department, and the city!"

See Trog


Niggers Are Always Causing Problems

Sir, you are under arrest for causing problems.

Your doing it 'cause im black! Im callin the NAACP

See Stephen


For most niggers (and there is a difference in black people and niggers, to me), racism only goes one way. You see the hard working black families that have established a name for themselves and can spell and speak proper English, not ebonics, that deserve every good thing they have. Then you have the niggers that would rather steal then work and say that racism only goes one way, but when they do it to a white person, it is black supremacy. Whatever. When you get a job and can pronounce biRTHday, not burfday, come talk to me!!!

Me and my niggers is going to rob that guy at the gas station because we are too lazy to get a job!!!

See Cooter


Now Apes Are Called People

Fights for black rights only, hates white people.

The NAACP was quick to back up Rodney King, and pull the race card, but htey did not realize he was resisting a legal arrest, and the cops had to put him down.

See Chris


The orginization for blacks who are racists. I agree the KKK are racists and everyone else think so. SO why don't we all stand up and say the NAACP are racists?!

NAACP- Niggers Are Always Complaining Potheads

The NAACP are racists.


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