
What is Nagstock?


Debauched party or shindigconducted over a period in excess of 24 hours, to the accompaniment of loud cheesy or heavy metal music, involving excessive consumption of alcohol primarily beerand an evil concoction known as Punch concocted ceremoniously by a lunatic wearing a traffic cone upon his furrowed brow.

Named for its creator, The Nag, a wise and inspired individual whose true name is now lost to the mists of time, famed for his having organised a three day festival-style party at short notice and on a shoe-string budget, and for his profoundly impressive abilities in the fields of languidity and excessive alcohol consumption.

Recent additions to the traditional aspects of a Nagstock have included servings of Vodka Jelly and the occasional Magic Muffin. All in all making for one long heaving display of mirth and mayhem and impropriety! ROCK ON!

Something Akin to scenes from National Lampoon's Animal House - bloody instinct.


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