Naked Computer Kid

What is Naked Computer Kid?


A young male who spends his adolescent years sitting in front of his laptop communicating via webcam with underage girls...naked.

*Random Conversations*

"...Yeah and we were like talking using webcam and he was like 'Oh, would it be awkward if I told you I was naked right now..?'"

"Oh! He must have been Naked Computer Kid!"

See reptar, vanilla, ice


A young male who spends his adolescent years sitting in front of his laptop communicating via webcam with underage girls...naked.

*Random Conversations*

"...Yeah and we were like talking using webcam and he was like 'Oh, would it be awkward if I told you I was naked right now..?'"

"Oh! He must have been Naked Computer Kid!"

See reptar, vanilla, ice


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