
What is N.a.m?


Stands for new age millie(millie) they enjoy new age music like the john butler trio, bublebeez 81,gorillaz and they like to wear brand name clothes like roxy,billabong and ripcurl, They also change their hair colour as fashion dictates.Most are smarter than your normal millie, BEWARE N.A.M's are very manipulative and unpredictable, they will stab you in the back at the blink of an eye and will tell lies and walk over their friends to get what they want so keep a close eye on them.Another classic N.A.M passtime is to sitting on benches calling people "fat moles" and "bitches" even though mostly they are guys that have had the common sense to dump them.

Matt "Hey Pauly did you know that I am dating bec."

Pauly "Man watch out she is a chronic N.A.M she could chew you up and spit you out, keep a close eye on that one."

Matt "Will Do thanks for the warning."


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