
What is Nametake?


The name that someone chooses for themselves, rather than the name they were born with.

Muhammad Ali was the religious nametake of the boxer formerly known as Cassius Clay.

See name, nametake, namesake, nickname, given


No, a nametake would be the person who's name comes from another person. For example, Dr. King would be Martin Luther's nametake. After all, a namesake is a person who has been named after - so the reverse would not be the exact same thing.

No beef/feelings - just sayin

Cat Niesse (younger generation) is Catherine Douvalt's (older generation) nametake.

See namesake, name, catherine, generation, kew


The reverse of namesake; a person you are named after.

The monk Martin Luther was the nametake of Dr. King.

See namesake, name dropping, genealogy, moniker, etymology


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