Nap Tag

What is Nap Tag?


A game originating with members of the Mike Huckabee '08 Republican Primary Campaign trail caravan. The following definition was taken from CNN on March 3rd, 2008:

"When the hapless and weary traveler is good and asleep, a group gathers and scribbles a joke on a piece of paper with a marker. Someone then holds it in front of the napper while another conspirator pops off a picture."

– CNN Political Producer Alexander Marquardt (3/3/08)

Jack: Yo, check out this picture of Rick sleeping...

Chris: Why is he holding a sign that says "I likes to eat wiener?"

Jack: I got him good in a game of Nap tag.

See nap tag, sleep, sleeping, nap, napping, huckabee, mike, joke, cnn, prank, trick, campaign, trail


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