
What is Narp?


Opposite of the word yarp.

Meaning no.

Person 1:You wanna go to the movies?

Person 2:Narp

See narp, no, yarp, naarp



1. "Not A Real Person"; An insult to a persons perception of reality.

Blake:(after getting off water ride) "I smell like water"

Shaun:"Dude, you are such a NARP."

See narp, dumbass, retard


Narp is a deep, meaningful word, which can mean many things...

Calling for attention is one..

Cool people use it to express themselves, kind of how a baby cries for food, but a word for adults.

Narp! Narp! Over here!

Narp! I am hungry

See narp, great


Most common word used by the cartoon character Pinky (Of: Pinky and The Brain.)

Pinky: Narp! What are we going to do tommorrow night Brain?

Brain: Same thing we do every night Pinky. Try to take over the world!

See narp, pinky, brain, catch phrase, cartoon, mice, rat, world, domination


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