
What is Nastygram?


A angry note thats to the point, but try's to mask just how angry they are. Normally left by your boss.

" my boss said she wansn't mad about taking the day off, but she did leave me a nastygram on my desk"

See note, letter, sticky note


Letter sent to an individual or organization in professional "business-angry" style, expressing displeasure about actions taken, or lack thereof.

I sent a nastygram to my cell phone provider regarding why they've not adjusted my account, and they were pretty quick to fix it after that.


An angry letter, email, or note that expresses a person's distaste or disapproval for you.

After calling Cindy's house at 2am her parents sent my parents a nastygram.

See love letter, email


A note, often left anonymously, expressing displeasure of an action or perceived action of yours.

Someone who felt I parked too closely to him keyed my car and left a nastygram on the windshield.


When someone leaves you a nasty text, email, voicemail, etc..

Angel was mad I missed her birthday party, so she left me a nastygram in my voicemail box.

See message, mail, voicemail, upset, angry, signal


An Internet posting or e-mail which shows up a company for being unable to meet any deadlines it publicises.

Because I get nastygrams every time I give out a date by which something is going to be done, I am only going to say that this is the order in which we will work on development of new cool stuff.

See internet, post, e-mail, company, deadline, failures


A legal document stating that you should stop doing something, written in legalese and with the threat of taking you to court. A cease & desist letter.

When they released the FooCat :CueCat barcode scanner decrypting software, DigitalConvergence sent them a nastygram. My neighbor's lawyer sent me a nastygram telling me that my son is playing his Satanic non-music too loud and drawing pentagrams using plant food on his lawn, and will sue me for $666,666.00 if he doesn't quit.

See cease and desist, legalese, lawyer, sue


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