
What is Natalee?


a nice, pretty girl. usually very smart & has a big butt. sweet unless you mess with her. sticks out her tongue alot. not a slut. not a prep. not emo. fun. flirtatious. crazy.

dude i totally want to get with this girl shes a totall natalee.

dude, you know itll never happen.

See sexy, nice, fun, crazy, purple


'Natalee' is a modern respelling of the name 'Natalie' is the English form of 'Natalia;, which is derived from the Italian 'natale', meaning "birthday". The term refers specifically to Christ's birthday - the Italian phrase for "merry Christmas" is "buon natale!", literally "good birthday!"

I met a girl named Natalee last night, she was pretty cool.

See natalee, nat, natalie, beauty, birthday


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