What is National Hangover Day?


The aftermath of hard drinking and partying on New Year's Eve.

I woke up next to five bottles of Jägermeister and a pile of confetti on National Hangover Day.

See holiday, alcohol, party, lazy, american, Limbo


Every day since I've started college.

No class today, it's National Hangover Day...

See drinking, booze, alcohol, alcoholic, college


1st January 12PM or before and lasts to 2nd (this is national hangover day), 3rd, or if its really bad, 4th January (these are local hangover days). Perfect day to do crimes, because nobody cares. But the entire country will think the robber is a loser because he doesnt have hangover.

Person 1: Hey, wanna do something funny 1st January?

Person 2: Dude, its National Hangover Day

Person 1: Oh yeah, right ..

See new years eve, hangover, vomit, sick, beer, champagne, headache


New Years Day

Hahaha bitches!!

National Hangover Day!!!

I don't know how I'll give an example for this. ///_-'

See new years, new years day, hangover, drunk, death to america


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