Natty Light

What is Natty Light?


a natural light beer. a natty light.

"hey, pass me a natty light"


An important part of every college kid's nourishing diet. Best when consumed in excessive quantities.

I drank 23 cans of Natty Light last night, no wonder I missed all my classes today. Oh well, lets get some food somewhere and grab a new 30 pack

See beer, cheap, college, drunk, party


Natty light is beer I drink when the {pay} check isn't what I wanted it to be.

Sure, the 1st one is kinda rough, but it's smooth sailing after that. You get the same buzz as you would off of other light beers except you get 12 beers for the price of 6. Ya feel me?

Definition: Natty Light is something that gets ya the same buzz as those pricey drinks like Miller Lite and Bud Light. Ya hear that you preppy fuckers???

See light, cheap, smooth, tasty


Slang for Natural Light beer, a cheap, poor-tasting beer made by Anheuser-Busch.

Lagers made by Anheuser-Busch in order of refinement





and since Light beers are the crappiest of all brands, Natty Light is the worst beer they make, which is why it costs 30 cents and college students drink it all of the time.

They also make O'Douls, Hurricane 40's, King Cobra 40's, and Tequiza.

See beer, filth, bribs


The beer of champs, aka those who don't have 25$ to shell out for a case very night.

The two Ryan's and Elliot drink only the finest, Natty Light.

See beer, alcohol, natty, champ, awesome, crisp, clear, refreshing


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