
What is Nautical?


Anything relating to sailing.

Sailors, Boats, Navigation.


an adjective which is used to describe something which is too damn sexy and fit for any other word to describe.

Melissa Griffiths is Nautical

See sexual, mel, kate, fitness, biatch


a combo of being naughty and radical

katelyn is ridiculously nautical!!!

See katelyn, boats, sailing, beer, naughty


An adjective used to describe a girl who has such a loose vagina that it feels as tho it is a cup of warm water when you have sex with her.

"That girl is seriously nautical dude,you don't wanna touch that"

See loose, whore, skank, slut, brittney, spears


Something that is very cool, or an unexpected good surprize.

"The game Grand Theft Auto: Vice City is nautical."

See Tripod


Traditionally a piece of shit. A large turd.

I have to go squeeze of a nautical!

See Michael


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