
What is Nbn?


Niggas Bein Niggas

"Apple bank got robbed yesterday afternoon by 2 black guys...just some more NBN."

See nbn


It means 'Nothing But Nipple', you fool!

Damn that bitch was fine but she were packin' NBN.

See small, tits, nipples, breasts, boulders, fun bags, bristols, jubblies


Nothing but net. In the same fashion as For the Win!

I just ate an entire footlong sub in under 3 minutes. NBN!

See ftw, for the win, ftl, for the lose, win


Nothing But Net. In the same fashion as FTW ( For the Win!)

Driving across country with no GPS: NBN!

See ftw, win, ftl, fail, for the lose


Shorthand for No Beers Necessary. Used to describe a person so attractive that one wouldn't require a drink to inspire or prepare for denting headboards with them. Can be spoken as 'nibben'.

Guy 1: "Did you see the body on that chick? She's totally NBN!"

Guy 2: "Ummm... dude... she's got three eyes and one eyebrow. Ease up on the Jaeger! Nice rack, though."


No Bucket Needed - When you are notorius for showing gross out pics in a chat room with people in a nsfw environment. Show nbn so they dont spew on their keyboards or so they can prepare the barf bag.

Hey check out these pics.....nbn


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