What is Ndehh?
Meaning either "no" or "I'm too lazy to answer". But when used in a rising intonation it could mean "yes" or once again "I'm too lazy to answer"
Made popular by Stephen Burns.
"Hey Stephen get up!"
An answer, which means:
Probably not.
I am too lazy to answer.
Usually used as a response to a question, but also could just be used to show someone that you have found a comfortable place to enjoy your own laziness. It is convenient because it is so easy to say, and requires little energy.
Man #1: Lets go to Wawa. Want to?
Man #2: Ndehhhh....
Guy #1 strays from the group at the field trip and hobbles over to a historic monument and lays down on it's base.
Guy #1: Ndehhhh......