
What is Neanderthal?


Primitive humans which lived throughout much of Europe, but particulary in France, and Germany. The term "Neanderthal," derives from the Neanderthal Valley in Germany, where the first fossils were found. Anatomically, they differed from their chief competitors, Cro-Magnon man in that they tended to be more squat, with thicker bones, and brow ridges. They existed through hunter-gathering activities, as did the Cro-Magnon, but seem to have been less technologically innovative, a quality which may have contributed to their ultimate demise.

How many Neanderthals died in encounters with wooly mammoths is anyone's guess.

See caveman, primitive, savage, fossil, anthropology


Often called a "Leah". An idiotic human who spends their time hurling abuse in the street because that's all they can do. Their language revolves around the word "fuck", and they insult people who are smarter than them through jealousy and envy.

Often know for 'sponging' off the council, and most of the time they live in a council house because of lack of funds and lazy, idiotic parents.

"Shit. Get away from that Neanderthal, they may take you wallet"


1. an early race/species of humanitythat once populated Europeand maybe the Middle East and beyond. They were more stooped yet they had enough cranial development that they mode stone tools and draw pictures on cave walls. They were later superceded by Cro-Magnon man.

2. a slang word used as a personal insult to describe a stupid thick-skulled lunkheadperson, a low-watt light bulb. A dimwit.

1. Neanderthal man got its name from the Neander thal ( Germanfor "valley") in Germany.

2. Bif is a fanatical dittohead. He believes everything the AM radio blubberbutts say. He also wants Barack Obamato be ousted or killed, mainly because he's a "black" President (but Bif ain't man enough to admit that). Nothing you tell him ever sinks in, and he always wonders why his wife left him after he repeatedly beat the stuffings out of her and she finally had enough of his crap. He's an absolute Neanderthal, an idiot.

3. Keith Richardsof the Rolling Stones looks like a stereotype Neanderthal because his face is ravaged from years of chain smoking, drug abuse and too much drinking. He's lucky to still be alive. Yet he still is a supreme influential guitaristand he still got what it takes to lead the way. Rock on, Keith!

See dunderhead, brute, ugly, alley oop, dum-dum, dumbass, dumbbutt, obstinate, bonehead, cretin, jerk, moron, dummy, imbecile, numbskull, shithead, shit for brains, asshole, Modern Man


1. A sports personality, usually very overpaid, who has diarrhea of the mouth, trash talks and has no class at all.

2. Most New York Yankee fans can fit in this description as well. They have a big SUV, usually black or other dark color with a huge NY sticker on the back window. They pronounce "New York" as "New Yawk." They act like jackasses when their team wins.

1. Jeremy Shockey is a football neanderthal.

2. Vinnie is a big New Yawk Yankees fan. He is always calling in to "Spawtz Radio" because he thinks he is a Yankees expert. He even has custom NY Yankees pin striping on his SUV. Yankees fans are douche bags.

See diarrhea of the mouth, asshole, jackass, jack off, douche bag


an extremely ugly person with nappy hair and an ape-like face. They have a little brain and dont know how to communicate with humans. They only talk to their kind and dont know how to apply makeup evenly on their face. They think there tough, but when it comes down to a fight all they can do is kick others and talk in their own ape langauge to their "friends". They cant feel emotions and they look like man.They are the missing link to humans in evolution.

"damn, doesnt that "girl" look like a neanderthal?!

See ugly, gross, manly, dirty, disgusting, bitch, fried, black


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