
What is Nebraska?


Smack in the middle of our great nation

Is a state that requires some explanation.

To east and west coasters who'll come right out and ask ya',

"Is there anything of interest in the State of Nebraska?"

It's true we don't have mountains all decked out in snow,

But we do have the world's biggest live chicken show.

We're the makers of Spam. We invented Kool Aid,

And this is where the first Reuben sandwich was made.

Our insect, the Honeybee. Our bird, the Meadowlark.

The strobe light, our creation, works best in the dark.

Governmentally speaking, we're a freak of nature.

Since we have the only one-house state legislature.

On Arbor Day, when you plant a tree,

Remember that it started in Nebraska City.

We were once called a desert, but that name didn't take,

Since we have the country's largest underground lake.

We have the world's largest forest, all planted by hand,

And more miles of rivers than any state in the land.

The College World Series calls Omaha "home,"

And yes, this is where the buffalo used to roam

(until we shot 'em).

We were the first state in the nation to finish our Interstate section,

And the first to run two women in the gubernatorial election

(against each other).

We invented 9-1-1 emergency communication,

And we're the number one producer of center pivot irrigation.

Our woolly mammoth fossil is the largest ever found,

And our monumental "Carhenge" is certain to abound.

We have several museums that could be called odd,

Dedicated to Chevy's, fur trading, roller skates and sod.

In Blue Hill, Nebraska, no woman wearing a hat,

Can eat onions in public. Imagine that!

We built the largest porch swing and indoor rain forest,

And anyone who visits is sure to adore us.

So pack up the kiddies, the pets and the wife,

And see why Nebraska is called "THE GOOD LIFE."

(Oh gosh -- it doesn't even once mention football?!?)

Hey, let's go visit the spam factory in Nebraska!


Yes, it's actually a state, and no, we do not ride cows to school.

Nebraska- the state known for it's football, cows, and .... well, I'll be honest, that's about it.

See football, state, ride, cows, school


100% pure ass kickin football team

Nebraska has owned Colorado for 30 years and will continue to do so.


Nebraska...A state where the question is commonly asked, what in the world is there to do there and has more than a million answers...Small town fun is best...Everything from County Fairs, Late nights at the Bars, Watching College Football, or some of the best little league baseball games in the midwest...There is never a dull moment despite what you may think...How many places can you drive through and have to worry about hitting a cowin the middle of the road? How many states can you do 100 down the highway and pass a state trooper and not get pulled over...Where are their tractors fast enough to pass you? Being from Nebraska means that you wonder why other states bother raising can tell the difference between sweet corn and field cornwhile it's still in the stalk...Every conversation starts with "sure has been dry this year..." You can tell where everyone is from just by the first two numbers on their license plate and you know every county... When the tornado sirens go off, you head to the roof to get a better look...Everyone knows you by your first name, including every know that the 4th of July means the biggest party ever...Everyone in your family has a handle on the CB radio...And that's what Nebraska is all about...And oh ya, i didnt mention football...

Nebraska is the state smack in the middle of the United States and commonly overlooked.

See cow, beef, corn, tornado, football


Nebraska is the only bisexual state in the United States. It always goes both ways during election time. Nebraska is the only state that allows for a split in the electoral vote. Since 1991, two of Nebraska's five electoral votes are awarded based on the winner of the statewide election while the other three go to the highest vote-getter in each of the state's three congressional districts. This fact was later embraced by Nebraska in a tourism slogan that said, "Nebraska, We Go Both Ways."

Nebraska is bisexual. It goes both ways. It's true, I read that somewhere.

See nebraska, bisexual, electoral college, wikipedia


The best damn state in the land. Yeah theres a lot of corn and a lot of cows but we got the Huskers, we also have omaha which is a pretty cool city in the eastern part of the state. The eastern half of the state is a lot like Iowa with lots of hills and cornfields. The middle of the state is totally flat and mostly has irrigated corn and soy beans, as well as the sandhills, which are huge ass hills where cattle graze, the southwest of the state is mostly for wheat growing, and the western edge of the state looks a lot like wyoming with lots of buttes and such. Overall its not as bad as people think, nice people,nice places to visit

Nebraska looks like Iowa on one side and Wyoming on the other

See huskers, iowa, kansas, missouri, omaha, lincoln


home to Saddle Creek Records, featuring indie-rock gloomy superstar Conor O'Berst, of Bright Eyes.

This band sounds like it might be Nebraska-esque.


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