What is Necrophilia?
Inter-course with a dead corpse, enjoyed by many, remember the body stays warm for up to 3 hours after death occurs, so that still almost counts as being alive, and its especially fun when rigamortis kicks in its like being strapped into the buggy on a mouse trap ride at blackpool. And if your partner dies during sex and you've almost came its ok to finsh off.
I love necrophilia, but i cant stand the awkward silences.
Refering to a sexual act with the corpse of another human being.
Although Kenny didn't know that his first sexual experience was considered necrophilia, he was sure glad his parents gave him a shovel for Christmas.
greek: dead-love
one who derives sexual pleasure from cadavers
Necrophilia: Cause dead chicks cant say no!
Necrophila The urge to crack open a cold one.
Having sexual intercoruse with a dead person.
An attraction of an erotic sense to the idea or act of sexual contact with dead bodies.
Betty hangs out at the mortuary every weekend.. I'm thinking she's a necrophiliac or something.
The act of intercourse on a deceased creature. Not always human or female. Necrophilia is usually the result of childhood truama or the lust for absolute control.
your dad does necrophilia
one that likes to fuck dead bodies.
damn, that zoophagus is such a necrophiliac!