
What is Negro?


Meaning 'Black' in Spanish

Name: Don Jose, Height: five-six, Hair color: Negro


Back in the 1700's and 1800's when a slave master wanted to summon his slave.

Negro go pick my cotton.


Person of African descent. Not a degrogatory term as witnessed by example below. Not in common useage anymore, as African-American has become politically correct, however, one wonders what a Negroid person in Africa should be termed when describing ethnicity.

United Negro College Fund


A non-derogative term used to describe peoples of an African culture. Although of benign nature, people tend to regard it as an insult as it has been implied as such in earlier times.

1. Child: "One of my best friends is a negro"

Parent: "Well isn't that swell"

2. Secretary: "Who shall I send into your office?"

Employer: "Will you send the negro in please?"

Black Man: "What did you call me?!"

Employer: "A negro. That was to differentiate between you and the white gentleman beside you."

Black Man: "Oh ok."

See black, negro, black man, negroid, african, Cesco


"member of a black-skinned race of Africa," 1555, from Sp. or Port. negro "black," from L. nigrum (nom. niger) "black," of unknown origin. Use with a capital N- became general early 20c. (e.g. 1930 in "New York Times" stylebook) in ref. to U.S. citizens of African descent, but because of its perceived association with white-imposed attitudes and roles the word was ousted late 1960s in this sense by Black (q.v.).

Negress (1786) is from Fr. négresse, fem. of nègre "negro." Negroid is attested from 1859, a hybrid, with Gk. suffix -oeides "like, resembling."

"Professor Booker T. Washington, being politely interrogated ... as to whether negroes ought to be called 'negroes' or 'members of the colored race' has replied that it has long been his own practice to write and speak of members of his race as negroes, and when using the term 'negro' as a race designation to employ the capital 'N' " "Harper's Weekly," June 2, 1906

See negro, nigger, nigga, darkie, black


The word white people use when they're too afraid to say the word 'niger' or 'nigga'. Mainly old white people.

That... uh... NEGRO over there looks like he is stealing some fried chicken. I am most appauled. I must sit here and be baffled! Oh my lord. JOHN BE CAREFUL, he could be (shivers) democrat! Oh no he's yelling in some E-boneecs now!

See african-american, african, black, different, damn sexy


1. (Spanish): the color black.

2. a now often-derogatory word for a person of black African descent.

1. El cielo de la noche es negro. (The night sky is black.)

2. D'Antuan Robinson: Yo, Tawneshia. You know how dems white folks always use' to call us Negros?

Tawneshia Jacobs: Yeah, I know what you sayin'. What about it?

DR: Well, 'Negro' was actually a Spanish word oridge'ly, you know what I be sayin'?

TJ: Hells no, nigga, you serious?!

DR: Yeah g'rl, I swear. I'm not pulling yo' chains o' anything like dat.

TJ: Hmm! Learn somethin' new everyday, huh.

See black, african, nigger, nigga, spanish


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