
What is Neil?


A 'Neil' is a person of awesome intellect who shows good character, charm, wit and good manners in everything he does.

Sean is definetely not a Neil. He is an anti-neil.

See sean, neil, awesome, intellect


1. to mean naked at an inappropriate time or place

2. shouted out in a moment of zealousness in a crowded room

1. Fraser started getting Neil the other day


See niel, naked, shout, inappropriate


to smoke weed or any type of tobacco product.

Ey you wanna take a neil?

See smoke, weed, tokein, cigar


Neil means; naked or one who is with out clothes. We also encourage the use of “Neil” as and expression of extreme emotion!! To be shouted at inappropriate times to release stress.

(While you are in an exam)

Shouting out; NEIL!

See shout, neil, naked, stress, emotion


Tall dark and handsome except when on family guy

The palm reader told me I would meet a fantastic Neil and I did

See sexy, tall, dark, handsome, man


1. A person who is exceptionally afraid of their responsibilities.

2. One who runs away from problems.

3. A person with uncontrollable pussyism. Who finds solace only when babied by "mommy" or new girlfriends.

"Neil said he didn't want to help you raise your child he only wanted to make one. He ran off to Idaho."

See douche, dick, ass, moron, loser, deadbeat, pussy


to ruin a perfectly good stream of funny jokes by telling a really bad one.

thanks a lot, you just neiled it.

See niel, nail, nailed, jabrony


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