
What is Neomic?


Despite what some people may believe or have been led to believe, Neomic is actally a very kind and well mannered guy. He treat's people the way they should be treated, and if you have been treated poorly by him, you probably deserved it. It's true that he may be a little overweight, but weight has nothing to do with a person's character unless it depresses you, which in Neomic's case it does not. Infact, it gives him a boost of confidence. Fear not of this gentleman, for he is one of the nicer gentleman here on Earth. As far as Gorylutiongoes, Neomic is friends with some of the members of the group, but has no true association with them.

Neomic has been known to be very nice lots of people, and show lots of gratitude on many occasions. You can get to know him by visiting his MySpace page at MySpace/Neomic.

See neomic, gorylution, antdogs, Neomic


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