
What is Neopet?


A virtual pet from the site Neopets

The site Neopets: neopets

See Farfello


A Neopet is virtual pet which can be created after you make an account at neopets

There are many different species to choose from and many things you can do with them after they have been created. For example you can buy a paint brush for it and change it's colour, or you can train it up to become more powerful and fight other pets in the battledome. You can also play games with them which probaly the main reason people sign up to the site in the first place.

I decided to buy a paint brush and paint my neopet Disco.

See neopets, grarrl, battledome, paint brush


A neopet is a pet people can create on neopets. The neopet is the main part of the game (although many people do stay on for the chats/avatars..etc). People can do a lot of things with the pet, for example: paint the neopet, feed it, zap...etc.

Wenieia, the robot grundo, is a neopet.

See neopets, pet, neo, paint, zap


An anoying creature from neopets which is an nerdy, childish yet addicting website

My neopet can go fuck himself for all i care


An Animal in which little children (including michael jackson) play with! There are various kinds of neopets. Some of which include wockies, eeyries, and usuls.. They make a sad little look when you look in their eyes!

I love my neopet. It is on level 37. My neo screen name is biased_angell. Give me neopoints. LOL J/k


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