
What is Neo-punk?


a new style of punk with a marked difference in clothes. instead of mowhawks, chains, black clothes and mascara...neo punks generally wear some colour and their hair more resembles emo-punk or skater-punk styles. rather than tight black jeans and plaid...neo-punks are more associated with pinstripe or plain coloured pants. neo-punks tend to hold the same attitudes as punks in regards to their hate towards authority and conformists. neo-punks are also distinguised from punks in their music. they generally dont listen to old school punk ie. ramones and bad religion. rather they listen to some of the newer punk groups such as mxpx, nofx, fall out boyetc.

a neo-punk is a toned down punk. generally less outrageous in appearance.

that guy doesnt wear black and make-up...but he still seems to hate the bloody conformists


A neo-punk is more efficient form of punk. Instead of wasting time caring about how they-selves dress, and the currant punk fads(emo), they worry about the issues they believe in. e.g. abuse of authority, conforming to standard, etc. While fashion has little to do with there attitude, neo-punks tend to dress in a disguising manner,(Suites & Slacks) as if to infiltrate the "Standard" and infect from the inside out. Typically enjoying all types of music,(except that which is no the radio)and tend to enjoy underground music the best, finding that it has the same social detachment as they. Mostly very smart, they see through plot to standardize and suppress the masses.

Amon Tobin, Beasie Boys, Soul Coughing, Xero Chi neo-punk

See punk, neo-punk, soul coughing


A new form of punk. The difference is the dressing.instead of the plaid and black of punks. you have usually jeans and a band t-shirt. The hate for subliminal messages, and conformity is till strong, while the hate for corporate rock still exists just on a lower level.The disrepect of authority is the same.

A lower level of punk.Often associated with skaters.Neo-punk was invented 4-12-05.

Punk:You think your a punk? You're not hard-core enough

Neo-punk:I'm a neo-punk.Toned down from punk you dumb-ass


A toned down form of punk.A slightly preppy version of punk.More associated with pink and black rather than all black.Typical clothing is denim and converse's with a badn or balck t-shirt.Most girls belonging to this classification wear mascara and eyeliner.The dudes: mohawks and fauxhawks and chains.There tend to be more pinstripe than plaid.The most common shoe types they wear are Vans and Converse.Listen to popular-punk and emo.Most of the band's names they listen to start with "the"

typical bands: The Flags,The White Stripes,The Matches,The Transplants,Fall out Boy,Green Day,Weezer.


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