
What is Ner?


An exclimation used when something is not working properly, or when someone says something stupid.

Your computer crashes you say, "Ner!", or Jeff says, "whats a chode?" you say "Ner!"

See morpheus


Ner is an easier way of saying No because it requires less tounge movement/articulation. Also, it sounds better than the standard No, which everyone's heard millions of times. Add a little spice to your life; use Ner.

Did you put your dishes in the dishwasher?


Okay...? Right....


The sound a cow makes. Commonly mistaken for the more popular but incorrect 'moo', Ner is actually the documented sound emitted by cows when they express themselves.


Cows go ner.

See Pureghetto


To taunt. It's a verb.

is nering

he/she ners

they nerd

Neener Neener Neener

I Ner You Ner Weiner

Grass is always greener

you're a toilet cleaner

and a dirty beaner

See taunt, tease, pick, ridicule


(nuh-er) adv

1 --used as a variation as no in a country form;

originated in the pants of two travelers named Taylor Thornhill and Ardan Runyan land of Pica-shit, Mississippi after a brief encounter with shrooms

"Ner, I will not get in your pants, Jared Foolon or Josh Kee-roz!"

See jizz, shrooms, botch, niglet bowling, holla


Not completely considered a nerd.

That sexy band geek is a ner!

That sexy book worm is a ner!

See ner, geek, band, sexy, nerd


When you are too lazy to repeat yourself or even say 'nevermind' to a person who never hears you after two or three tries you reply with 'ner.'

You: Man I'm so sick of algebra right now Mrs. Smith doesn't know how to teach.

Friend: ...(no response)...what?

You: I'm sick of math Smith can't teach for shit.

Friend: ...huh?

You: Ner.

See nevermind, fuck it, nothing


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