Nerd Fest

What is Nerd Fest?


any event/function/conference that attracts crowds of nerds or inspires lots of nerds to attend it's functions. things that appeal to nerds and causes them to gather in great numbers, such as: a sci-fi/fantasy movie premiere(e.g. "star wars", "transformers", "harry potter") or a conference based on popular nerd fare such as: "star trek" conference, or "comic-con", "macworld"(or any computer confab)"anime festival"(cosplay), etc. any event which causes large numbers of nerds to leave their parents' basements and their computers and go out in public in large numbers

person1: "man, i went to an early matinee of transformers, hoping to avoid the nerd fest, but no such luck."

prson2: "yeah, i went to the macworld conference last year; what a huge nerd fest!"

See nerds, trekkies, lober


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